Love test

Calculate your love compatibility using astrology, numerology, and the new moon sign cross technique!

Love test between Gemini and Gemini

The love affair between two Gemini usually has only an average chance of success. Their positive side is based on similarity relations.

And their negative side is due to the frequent risk of lag between the respective ripening stages of the partners.We often see a couple of Gemini love each other with a tender love, but it is difficult to achieve a good understanding. The reason is that one is still obsessed with greed, while the other, having experienced too much sentimental disappointment, is only trying to make up for lost time. In addition, it is quite difficult for the partners not to feel a certain mutual mistrust, each having at the most intimate of himself a vague desire to exploit the other.Fortunately, their kindness, their sensuality and especially their thirst for security are all elements that unite them solidly.

Sexual Compatibility between Gemini and Gemini

The eroticism of the Gemini woman is linked to dialogue and communication. He passes above all by his intellect and the spirit of the game, not by the thrills of his flesh. It seems that the Gemini woman is an eternal teenager, more curious about the sex of the enjoyment of pleasure. Some preparation, some awakening work are needed before each fireworks. The Gemini woman has a rather weak sexuality: sex for sex and sensual drunkenness in herself would not be very attractive to her if they did not fit into the context of intellectual satisfaction. His critical sense still awake could even lead him to find the follies of the body somewhat ridiculous and suspicious, hence its relative reluctance and sometimes timidity. However, if intelligence, speech and the use of fantasies are at stake, his sexuality will be deeply stimulated. And then she will be able as much as any other woman to experience himalayas of pleasure.

One could say that the sex of the Gemini man is in his head. Indeed, he tends to bring everything back to play, and sexual pleasure only makes sense to him if he can have fun. He is aerial, intellectual. In his sexual encounters, what matters most to him are the subtle preliminaries, playful frolics, postlude like a picnic! He does not disdain gadgets and other instruments of pleasure that abound sex shops. He wants to try everything, but is quick to give up what does not bring him more. This is also true of sexual techniques and particularly coital positions. As he is endowed with an overflowing imagination, he is never short of variations and innovations in erotic matters. As you can guess, the Gemini man is never in a hurry to get down to business. He likes to stroll, wander, enjoying seeing himself and seeing his partner evolve. Sometimes, he stops in the heart of the action to chat, to exchange ideas and cuddly recipes, before continuing the antics where he had suspended them!